Listing of citations for Dr. Cunefare's archival published papers;
*indicates student author
- Benjamin S. Beck*, Kenneth A. Cunefare, and Manuel Collet, "The
power output and efficiency of a negative capacitance shunt for
vibration control of a flexural system," Smart Materials and Structures,
22, 2013 (065009).
- Kenneth A. Marek*, Elliott R. Gruber*, and Kenneth A. Cunefare,
"Linear analytic model for a pressurized gas bladder style hydraulic
noise suppressor," accepted for publication, International Journal for
Fluid Power, March, 2013 (to appear November, 2013).
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, Ellen A. Skow*, Alper Erturk, Jeremy
Savor*, Nalin Verma*, Martin R. Cacan*, "Energy Harvesting from
Hydraulic Pressure Fluctuations," accepted for publication, Smart
Materials and Structures, January, 2013.
- John Arata*, Michael Leamy, and Kenneth A. Cunefare,
"Power-Split HEV Control Strategy Development with Refined Engine
Transients," SAE International Journal of Alternative Powertrains, 1(1),
pp. 119-133, 2012. Also appeared as "Power-Split HEV Control Strategy
Development with Refined Engine Transients," SAE World Congress and
Exposition, April 2012, Detroit, MI, CD Proceedings, paper no.
- F. Casadei*, B. Beck*, K. Cunefare, and M. Ruzzene, "Vibration
control of plates through hybrid configurations of periodic
piezoelectric shunts," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and
Structures, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,
23(10), pp. 1169-1177, 2012.
- Nicholas E. Earnhart* and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Compact
Helmholtz Resonators for Hydraulic Systems," International Journal for
Fluid Power, 20(13), pp. 41-50, March, 2012.
- John P. Arata*, Michael J. Leamy, Jerome Meisel, Kenneth
Cunefare, David Taylor, "Backward-looking simulation of the Toyota Prius
and General Motors two-mode power-split HEV powertrains," SAE World 2011
World Congress and Exhibition, SAE Paper 11PFL-0790, April 12-14,
Detroit, MI. Also, selected for publication, SAE International Journal
of Engines, June, 2011, 4(1), pp 1281-1297.
- Benjamin S. Beck* and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Experimental
analysis of a cantilever beam with a shunted piezoelectric periodic
array," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 20(11),
pp. 1177-1187, 2011.
- Manuel Collet, Massimo Ruzzene and Kenneth A. Cunefare,
"Generation of Lamb Waves Through Surface Mounted MFC Transducers,"
Smart Materials and Structures, 20, 025020(14pp), 2011.
- Filippo Casadei*, Lorenzo Dozio*, Massimo Ruzzene, and Kenneth
A. Cunefare, "Periodic shunted arrays for the control of noise radiation
in an enclosure," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329(18), pp.
3632-3646, 2010.
- F. Casadei*, M. Ruzzene, L. Dozio*, and K. A. Cunefare,
"Broadband vibration control through periodic arrays of resonant shunts:
experimental investigations on plates," Smart Materials and Structures,
19, pp.1-13, 2010 (listed by IOP as one of the top 20 most cited SMS
articles from 2010).
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Comments on "The Science and Applications
of Acoustics" [AIP Press and Springer-Verlag (2000, 2006)]," Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, 126(4), pp. 1671-1680, 2009.
- Manuel Collet, Kenneth A. Cunefare, and M. N. Ichchou, "Wave
Motion Optimization in Periodically Distributed Shunted Piezocomposite
Structures," Journal of Intelligent Materials, Structures and Systems,
20(5), pp. 787-808, 2009.
- Spadoni*, M. Ruzzene, K.A. Cunefare "Vibration and Wave
Propagation Control of Plates with Periodic Arrays of Shunted
Piezoelectric Patches", Journal of Intelligent Materials Systems and
Structures, 20(5), pp. 979-990, 2009. Also, Proceedings of the 18th
International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, ICAST
2007, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
- Alex Michaud* and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Experimental
investigation of reflection of airborne noise at duct terminations:
RP-1314," ASHRAE Transactions, Vol. 114(2), SL-08-001, pp. 3-16, 2008.
- Jindou Wang*, W. Steve Shepard Jr., and Kenneth A. Cunefare,
"Actuation of a discontinuous structure with piezoelectric actuators,"
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 309(3-5), pp. 677-694, 2008.
- Mark Holdhusen*, Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Investigation of the
two-state, maximum work extraction switching rule of a state-switched
absorber for vibration control," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems
and Structures, 19(11), pp. 1245-1250, 2008.
- Manuel Collet* and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Modal Synthesis and
Dynamical Condensation Methods for Accurate Piezoelectric Systems
Impedance Computation," Journal of Intelligent Materials, Structures and
Systems, 19(11), pp. 1251-1269, 2008.
- Mark Holdhusen*, Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Experimental vibration
control of a single-degree of freedom system using a state-switched
absorber," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures,
19(12), pp. 1435-1442, 2008.
- Mark Holdhusen* and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "A State-Switched
Absorber Used for Vibration Control of Continuous Systems," ASME Journal
of Vibration and Acoustics, 129(5), 577-589, 2007.
- Michael Michaux*, Al Ferri, and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Effect of
waveform on the effectiveness of tangential dither forces to cancel
friction-induced oscillations," Journal of Sound and Vibration,
311(3-5), pp. 802-823, 2008. Also presented at 2005 ASME International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibit, November 6-11, Orlando, FL,
paper IMECE2005-81374.
- Anne-Marie Albanese* and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Performance of
MRE-based vibration absorbers," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems
and Structures, 19(5), pp. 551-563, 2008.
- Michael Michaux*, Al Ferri, and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Effects of
tangential dither signal on friction induced oscillations in an SDOF
model," ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2(3), pp.
201- 210, 2007. Also, ASME International 20th Biennial Conference on
Mechanical Vibrations and Noise, September 24-28, 2005, Long Beach, CA,
paper DETC2005-84491.
- Wayne Johnson* and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Use of Principle
Velocity Patterns in the Analysis of Structural Acoustic Optimization,"
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 121(2), pp. 938-948, 2007.
- Francesco Franco*, Kenneth A. Cunefare, and Massimo Ruzzene,
"Structural acoustic optimization of sandwich panels," ASME Journal of
Vibration and Acoustics, 129(3), pp. 330-340, 2007. Also, presented at
ASME International 20th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibrations and
Noise, paper DETC2005-85383, September 24-28, 2005, Long Beach, CA.
- Jeff Badertscher*, Kenneth A. Cunefare and Aldo Ferri, "Braking
impact of normal dither signals," ASME Journal of Vibration and
Acoustics, 129(1), pp. 17-23, 2007. Also, presented at the ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exhibit, November
6-11, Orlando, FL, paper IMECE2005-81290.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, Jeff Badertscher*, and Volker Wittstock,
"On the qualification of anechoic chambers: further issues related to
signals and bandwidth," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
120(2), pp. 820-829, 2006.
- Tina M. Famighetti*, Kenneth A. Cunefare, Emily E. Muhlberger*,
"Qualification and performance of a reverberation chamber equipped with
lightweight diffusers," Noise Control Engineering Journal, 54(3), pp.
201-211, 2006.
- Gregg D. Larson and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Quarter-cycle
switching control for shunt-switched dampers," Journal of Vibration and
Acoustics, 126(April), pp. 278-283, 2004. Also, initial version
"Experimental investigation of control logic for state-switched
dampers," presented at the 18th ASME Biennial Conference on Mechanical
Vibration and Noise, Active and Hybrid Controls, paper
DETC2001/VIB-2146, Pittsburgh, PA, September 9-12, 2001.
- Mark Holdhusen* and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Damping Effects on the
State-Switched Absorber Used for Vibration Suppression," Journal of
Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 114(9), pp. 551-561 2003.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, Van B. Biesel, John Tran*, Ryan Rye*, Aaron
Graf*, Mark Holdhusen*, Anne-Marie Albanese*, "Anechoic chamber
qualification: traverse method, inverse square law analysis method, and
nature of test signal," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
113(2), pp. 881-892, 2003.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare and Brian Dater*, "Structural acoustic
optimization using the Complex Method," Journal of Computational
Acoustics, 11(1), pp. 115-137, 2003.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Feature variation and its impact on
structural acoustic response predictions," ASME Journal of Vibration and
Acoustics, 125(January), pp. 31-38, 2003. Also, presented at IMECE 2000,
November 5-10, Orlando, FL.
- Wayne M. Johnson* and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Structural Acoustic
Optimization of a Composite Cylindrical Shell Using FEM/BEM," ASME
Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 124 (July), pp. 410-413, 2002. Also,
presented at ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and
Exposition, 2000, November 5-10, Orlando, FL, NCA-Vol. 27, pp. 21-25.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, "State-switched absorber for vibration
control of point-forced beams," Adaptive Structures and Materials
Symposium special issue of the Journal of Intelligent Material Systems
and Structures, 13(2), pp. 97-106, 2002. Also, presented at ASME
International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2000,
November 5-10, Orlando, FL, AD Vol. 60, "Adaptive Structures and
Material Systems – 2000," pp. 477-484.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare and Aaron J. Graf*, "Experimental active
control of automotive disc brake rotor squeal using dither," Journal of
Sound and Vibration, 250(4), pp. 579-590, 2002.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare and Ryan Rye*, "Localization of Disc Brake
Squeal via Sound Intensity and Laser Vibrometry," 2001 SAE Transactions,
Vol. 110, Journal of Passenger Cars: Mechanical Systems, Section 6,
pages 2047-2054. Also, 2001 SAE Noise and Vibration Conference, Traverse
City, May 2001, paper 01NVC-102, SAE Paper 2001-01-1604.
- Francesco Franco and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "The Surface
Variational Principal applied to an acoustic cavity," Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, 109(6), pp. 2797-2804, 2001.
- W. Steven Shepard*, Jr. and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "The influence
of substructure modeling on the structural acoustic response of a
fluid-loaded plate system," Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, 109(4), pp. 1448-1455, 2001. Also, presented at the 139th
Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, May 30-June 3, 2000,
Atlanta, GA.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, Sergio De Rosa, Nader Sadegh, Gregg Larson,
"State switched absorber/damper for semi-active structural control,"
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 11(4), pp.
300-310, 2001.
- Van B. Biesel, Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Insertion loss of personal
protective clothing," Journal of Applied Acoustics, 62(7), pp. 831-840,
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, M. Noelle Currey*, Martin E. Johnson,
Stephen J. Elliott, "The radiation efficiency grouping of free-space
acoustic radiation modes," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
109(1), pp. 203-215, 2001.
- Stephen P. Engelstad, Kenneth A. Cunefare, Eugene A. Powell, and
Van Biesel, "Stiffener shape design to minimize interior noise," AIAA
Journal of Aircraft, 37(1), pp. 165-171, 2000. Also, presented at the
3rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 12-14, 1997,
paper AIAA 97-1620-CP.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare and Sergio De Rosa*, "The sensitivity of
structural acoustic response to attachment feature scale
representation," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 106(6),
pp. 3384-93, 1999.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, Scott P. Crane*, Stephen P. Engelstad, and
Eugene A. Powell, "Design minimization of noise in stiffened cylinders
due to tonal external excitation," AIAA Journal of Aircraft, 36(3), pp.
563-570, 1999. Also, presented at the 2nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics
Conference, State College, PA, May 6-8, 1996, paper AIAA 96-1702.
- Cunefare, K. A. and De Rosa, S., "An improved state-space method
for coupled fluid-structure interaction analysis," Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, 105(1), pp. 206-210, 1999.
- W. Steve Shepard*, Jr., Kenneth A. Cunefare, and Jerry H.
Ginsberg, "Identifying critical elastic scales in structural-acoustic
models," ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 120(2), 455-460
(1998). Also appeared as "Methods for identifying critical elastic
scales in structural-acoustic models," invited paper presented at ASME
15th Biennial Conference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise, September
17-21, Boston, MA, 1995 (Vol. 3 - Part B, pp. 267-274).
- W. Steve Shepard*, Jr., Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Sensitivity of
structural acoustic response to attachment feature scales," Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, 102(3), pp. 1612-1619 (1997). Also,
Proceedings of the 1996 ASME International Mechanical Engineering
Congress and Exposition. NCA Vol. 22 (Part 1), pp. 53-60, Atlanta, GA,
November 17-22, 1996.
- Scott P. Crane*, Kenneth A. Cunefare, Stephen P. Engelstad,
Eugene A. Powell, "A comparison of optimization formulations for design
minimization of aircraft interior noise," AIAA Journal of Aircraft,
34(2), pp. 236-243, 1997. Also, presented at the 37th AIAA Structural
Dynamics and Mechanics Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, April 15-17,
1996, paper AIAA 96-1480.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, "Comments on "Design of active structural
acoustic control systems by eigenproperty assignment" [J. Acoust. Soc.
Am., 96(3), pp. 1582-1591 (1994)]," Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, 99(3), pp. 1785-1788 (1996).
- M. Noelle Currey* and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "The radiation modes
of baffled finite plates," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America,
98(3), pp. 1570-1580 (1995).
- J. H. Ginsberg, K. A. Cunefare, and H. Pham*, "A spectral
description of inertial effects in fluid-loaded plates," ASME Journal of
Vibration and Acoustics, 117(2), pp. 206-212 (1995). Also, presented as
paper 93-WA/NCA-20, 114th ASME Winter Annual Meeting, November 28 -
December 3, 1993, New Orleans, LA.
- W. Steve Shepard* Jr, and Kenneth A. Cunefare, "The active
control of extended acoustic sources in a half space," Journal of the
Acoustical Society of America, 96(4), pp. 2262-2271 (1994).
- Kenneth A. Cunefare and M. Noelle Currey*, "On the exterior
acoustic modes of structures," Journal of the Acoustical Society of
America, 96(4), pp. 2302-2312 (1994).
- Kenneth A. Cunefare and W. Steve Shepard* Jr., "The
active control of point acoustic sources in a half space," Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, 93(5), pp. 2732-2739, (1993).
- Jeffery A. Giordano, Kenneth A. Cunefare and Gary
H. Koopmann, "An experiment on optimization of active noise control on a
three-dimensional extended radiator," ASME Journal of Vibration and
Acoustics, 115(1), pp. 53-58 (1993). Also, 111th Meeting of the ASME,
Winter Annual 1990, NCA-Vol. 8, "Active noise control and vibration
control - 1990," pp. 177-181, November, 1990.
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, "The effect of modal
interaction on sound radiation from vibrating structures," AIAA Journal,
30(12), pp. 2819-2828 (1992).
- Kenneth A. Cunefare and Gary. H. Koopmann,
"Acoustic design sensitivity for structural radiators," ASME Journal of
Vibration and Acoustics, 114(2), pp. 178-186 (1992).
- Kenneth A. Cunefare and Gary H. Koopmann, "Global
optimum active noise control: Surface and far field effects," Journal of
the Acoustical Society of America, 90(1), pp. 365-373 (1991).
- Kenneth A. Cunefare and Gary H. Koopmann, "A
boundary element approach to optimization of active noise control
sources on three-dimensional structures," ASME Journal of Vibration and
Acoustics, 113(3), pp. 387-394 (1991).
- Gary. H. Koopmann, Wolfgang Neise and Kenneth A.
Cunefare, "Fan Casing Noise Radiation," ASME Journal of Vibration and
Acoustics, 113(1), pp. 37-42 (1991).
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, "The minimum multimodal
radiation efficiency of baffled finite beams," Journal of the Acoustical
Society of America, 90(5), pp. 2521-2529 (1991).
- Kenneth A. Cunefare, Gary H. Koopmann and Klaus
Brod, "A boundary element method for acoustic radiation valid for all
wavenumbers," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 85(1), pp.
39-48 (1989).